Not A Failure Poem by Marlene Rashidi

Not A Failure

Just because I failed once
that don't mean I'll fail forever.
Now, I've learned something
my eyes are opened wider.
I'm controlling me every foot step.
I've got a second chance.
I'm not a failure.

I had chosen some wrong paths
and didn't need any consolation.
I never knew how it would affect
the ones close by me. Never knew
how badly it could've break hearts.

I deserve more than what life offers
it's not being greedy
it's just being in too much hurts
and sufferings.

I'll say it again
I'm not a failure.

Just because I failed to tell
my crush that I loved him
don't mean I'll never find love

Just because I couldn't save my brother's
life, don't mean I won't save a life today.

I failed once, but didn't stay down.

My tears won't pay for my failureness, but
my braveness and eager shall conquer my

Just because I was rapped and failed to speak
out don't mean that I should feel priceless
or guilty.

I know I'm not the best daughter ever, but
that doesn't mean I've failed. I'll try.
I'm not good at feeling sorry for people,
but that don't mean that I'm heartless.
They need encouragements and that's what
I give them, not pity.

They say I'm lame, because I go to church.
I'll never fail my Lord.
Just because I failed believing in myself
don't mean I can never try.
OH YES! I'll say it again....I'm not a failure.

The future greets my tomorrows,
My mornings kisses me good luck,
And the wind of success brushes
through me with a sweet harmony
of which, I'd want to hear.

Failure doesn't mean, I have to give up,
it means I have to try harder and harder
every other day.

So, when you see me walking down the street,
say, 'that's one positive, uptight girl.'
I'll never suffer my faithfulness to fail.

The victory is mine, I fought for it; I won
it, now I own it.

Deaire Taylor 01 March 2012

I know how you feel, I fail time after time. Great work

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