Not A Fairy Tale Poem by Rakesh Mondal

Not A Fairy Tale

Rating: 5.0

There was a boy (not from fairy tale)
There was a girl just like from heaven
The boy used to think that love is just a word
The girl was unaware of the beautiful world

Then ….

They both meet one day
Suddenly in the way
The girl lifted her face and saw the boy there
They fell in love just then with each other
Days were passing emotion was dark
Passion was there in both of their hearts
The girl asked the boy to tell those three words
She said that she will live with him for ever and ever
The boy uttered the purest feeling of his heart
Love was there yes love was there

But …….

With love to them then came the fear
First loosing each other and then about the future
Situation was hard….very hard to be managed
None of the families were ready to accept them
The boy had responsibilities
He could not deny his parents
The girl was scared
To go against them

What will they do, what should they do? ...........

The girl was crying throughout the night
The boy could not sleep, he felt her plight
Love was there, emotion was dark
But the real world was very hard
The girl asked the boy will he always be with her
The boy could not speak; he had not the answer
The girl told the boy to let her live until the time comes
The time to leave, the time to be apart

Then what happens……….

Passion was there, emotion was dark
Love was there yes love was there
The story goes on u can feel in your heart
The feeling of first love…..that’s so much pure
Not only happiness but pain is also there
The pain is also beautiful, because love is there
They promised to love until their end
Though might be their love will not get its place
Deep in their heart the essence of first love
Will bring for them smile and tear

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