Not Classified Poem by Erika Peace

Not Classified

Not classified by the amount of love i give, but by the heart that's giving it.
Love is not a four letter word you let slip off the tip of your tongue.
It's felt and something you scream off the top of your lungs.
I choose not to be defined by a magazine or from words of the wise genuwine ' what's in those jeans'.
I'm not a piece of paper you flip to or pick out from a pile type A stereotypes, type B hypocrites, and type C critics throw around.
Not classified because i choose not to be subjected to all the demeaning and degrading things we live around.
'cause i can't be viewed as an ad waiting for response of rejection or acception.
I want to be seen in my own reflection so distant from past perception...
'cause i want to lift the light from the worlds aggression.
And spread love with the next lesson.
Not classified because i don't give satisfaction to those undeserving.
cause i live life and i keep purging the unneeded consequences i face after criticism.
Not classified because i'm classified by my own means.

Afzal Shauq 20 September 2010

sweet intentions..i being peace wisher poet..liked the way you think and the way you write..lovely 10/10

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