Not Having Faith Poem by Bobby Joe

Not Having Faith

My body is a temple that I should not harm
But have you ever stopped and looked at my arm
Not having faith doesn't mean I don't believe in God
I know that may sound a bit odd
Just listen to me spill the beans
About what not having faith means
It means that I believe God is real
But not fully trust that He can heal
I hear of miracles where problems just go away
But it seems like mine are here to stay
So all day I hate and at night I cry
And sometimes I'm too weak to try
Then I wonder why I'm even here
And I know God is always near
But if He knows I want to commit suicide
Then why doesn't He change my mind
I know all of this may sound bad
But I guess I'm just a little mad
That everyone else is getting healed
And I feel stuck in a big empty field
All alone because nobody understands
That what I'm going through is like quick sand
I started to sink and it quickly got worse
I felt trapped and started to curse
I call out to God ' Please save me'
But I guess He won't because I don't fully believe
I guess it's time for me to have faith and trust
Because it seems like that is a must
Now after reading this maybe you have changed your mind
And maybe real soon you will find
That I have changed in an extraordinary way

Titi Dale 16 March 2013

Having faith is an important part of solving problems :) no faith... Well, no one knows what to do. It takes belief to achieve great things :) great write!

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