Now Is The Hour For Friend J.T.Earley Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Now Is The Hour For Friend J.T.Earley

Rating: 5.0

The oak tree sees slow centuries.
they pass like days beneath his gaze
An ever changing tapestry
of mankind’s little victories.
He watches kingdoms rise and fall
but they affect him not at all
He stands firm rooted in his place.
A member of a nobler race,
the earth provides his sustenance.
He need not battle to
his power and authority
He stands aloof in majesty

Observes the progress mankind makes.
Their many errors and mistakes.
They do not seem to understand
no man can dominate the land.
For Mother Nature frames the laws
and has the power to enforce
by use of fire, flood and drought.
Her wishes will be carried out.
Short sightedly men will rebel
and seem to flourish for a spell.
Though nature has the final say
and wipes the works of man away.

Almost as if they’d never been
and clothes again the land with green.
She leaves sufficient evidence
to demonstrate that man’s pretence.
That he can dominate must fail.
Great efforts made to no avail
by mighty empires in the past
Which were by nature overcast.
the ruins which they left behind.
Were left for modern man to find
He finds them but pays little heed
convinced by pride he can succeed.

Natures patience will run out
of that there’s very little doubt
The warning signs are clear to see.
Unless we listen carefully
and choose to change our wasteful ways
Then Mother Nature will erase
all the wonders man has wrought.
Destroy them all without a thought
She will retain some stock to breed
but just enough to meet her need.
She’s done it more than once before
but is prepared to try once more.


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Thad Wilk 21 May 2008

Great read Ivor! ! A wonderful poem, so true! ! *10plus*! ! Best regards, Friend Thad

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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