Old City Lore Poem by Ravenend Frost

Old City Lore

In times uncountable but not so old
There in an ancient city not so young
Were forests dense and mountains cold
Rolled up into a lore that is ghostly sung.
In wooden houses there lived families bold
With swords of past to their waists strung
For within their minds they could behold
The echoes of a bell that in their hearts rung.
Beyond the hills came a lore untold
Of a headstrong clan with a past unsung
A plague unknown the clan unfold
And people screamed as their lives wrung.

An old man stood besides his son
Facing the foe with a sword and shield
A glint of his helm shone beneath the sun
And with rage he ran on the battlefield.
Ten more men thence followed him
Fighting against a hundred beasts
His heart was stung by a deathly whim
And he cursed his son of eternal decease.
What stung his heart not nobody knows
But a vile curse now follows their toes
The battle was won by a mysterious cause
But victory ended for the deceased rose.

And the war struck back in a voice known
That sung of yore in a ghastly tone
Of the returning clan and the deceased one
As a bell rung in their heart and bone.
The specter rouse and fell like wind
In its darkest form the sky was filled
The old city fell into a darkness of sinned
As the undead clan ravaged and killed.
None could rise against the deceased
None drew arms to protect their kin
Their daughters were raped and released
An atrocity spread like infernal lightning.

And thus be the lore of the undying
Here be the deceased and forever will they be
Forever shall the families be crying
Until there comes a way to flee.
And thus be the lore of the deceased
Here be the undying and forever will they be
Forever shall the deceased be prying
Until they are set free.
And thus be the lore of the old city
Here be the battle between undying and deceased
Forever shall this be in this old city
Until the world pleads for mercy.

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