On Being Superior Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

On Being Superior

Why is it...
That those claiming to be,
Superior over others...
Feel it their mission,
To create for themselves...
And no one else,
Much more miserable lives to live.
In ways they can not seem to live peacefully.

Why is it...
That those claiming themselves,
Superior over others...
Feel it their mission,
To demean others in their presence.
By calling them names just to remind them who is 'better'.
And do this to do dastard and cowardly deeds repeatedly.
With a doing to appear in the darkest of nights...
Brandishing torches flaming bright.
As they adorn sheets to display their evil eyes.
To then murder those of color in broad daylight.
With weapons to destroy quickly one's life?

Why is it...
That those claiming themselves,
Superior over others...
Feel a need to take such demonic measures,
To prove their 'superiority'?

Doesn't a limiting of opportunities,
To deny others the right to live the way they choose...
Isn't using deception to inflict mental and physical abuse.
With a changing the laws and rules,
To accuse them for what they didn't do...
For purposes to incarcerate and separated,
Them from families with a doing to accuse.
Isn't this wickedness inflicting ones' 'Superiority' enough?

What other proof is needed,
To reveal their 'superior' ways?
Who is it that rushes to become medicated,
Whenever a minor ache with them stays?
And no one who is,
Depicted as a 'minority'...
Can live or go anywhere without being reminded of it.
So why is it...
Those who say they are 'Superior',
Feel it their need to solicit endorsements?
What illness is it do they feel a need to enforce?
These days...
There is no more needed proof of who's crazed.

James Mclain 23 June 2015

A prominent Republican attorney representing me a few years back that soon there would only be two kinds of American's U.S. against them... I thought where is the love in that... iip

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