Once Possessed With Ill Motives.. Poem by Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi

Once Possessed With Ill Motives..

A spiritual preacher advised the girls,
To call the intruders as ‘brothers',
When I called the snatch thief,
Who was violent and mischief,
He punched my left eye to be blue,
The blood clot in retina still a cloud,
He tore my blouse and lifted me up,
Threw me into the air to drop me as a rug,
When I pleaded with him not to violate,
He slapped my face to swell as a hot cake,
When he tried to pull my neck chain,
The chain snapped into two, scratched my will,
He picked up the half and tossed it into the air,
To show his waiting partner on the motorcycle,
After they left, I went to report the crime,
The policeman holding a cigarette between fingers,
Listened my ordeal and looked me up, down and middle,
And asked that was all, what else happened.

according to one of our Indian spiritual preacher that the rape victim should have called the rapists as brothers and pleaded with them. when I read that clip, this particular incident resurfaced in my brain. when a girl is alone and the predators are strong and ill motivated, she can't be saved unless there is third party intrusion in the form of good governance of the country as in certain countries, where each and every moment of the people in the public place, is electronically monitored and recorded and it is applicable to the transport system as well.
Vivek Tiwari 09 January 2013

This poem accurately proves the fact that literature is the mirror of society when on the one hand it gives us an ever prevailing existence of crime in India and on the other hand it discloses the reality of Indian Police. It deserves more than hundred times 10 and I cordially request to all who ever cast a glance upon the poem to rate it by 10 coz it deserves.

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