Originality Wins Poem by Shaun Cronick

Originality Wins

Rating: 5.0

I'm dotting the i's,
And crossing the t's.
Some unfinished poems,
To finish and appease.

I have some time,
To clear the deck.
Bring them up to scratch,
Polish them up to spec.

There are a one or two,
That might raise a smile.
And maybe three or four,
With a horror profile.

So please call in,
In the next coming days.
Many might be crap,
With only one to amaze.

I'll do my best,
Best of my ability.
For originality wins,
Over predictability...

Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: determination,poem,poems,writing
Rose Marie Juan-austin 11 March 2020

A fascinating poem. So very true. Originality always wins over predictability. Loved reading this one of a kind write.

9 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 12 March 2020

Thanks Rose Marie for your always welcome kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. I'm just tying up some loose ends, poem wise. And I promise to read and rate honestly your new poems tonight. Take care Rose Marie and I thank you again.

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Captain Cur 11 March 2020

An unpredictable, original winner in my book!

9 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 12 March 2020

Thank you good Captain Cur for your kind comment. And may your reliable canvas sails be filled with a friendly hearty wind on smooth seas. This landlubber thanks you again good sir.

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