Our Ancestors Poem by Jim Yerman

Our Ancestors

He was standing in a silent, peaceful protest.
His wish…for everyone to be free.
when he found himself locked arm in arm
with a man much older than he.

They stood together…in protest
Their shared wish…for everyone to be free.
Hoping this demonstration would help restore
some of their country's character and dignity.

When the demonstration was over
their peaceful message having been sent
the younger man looked to the older man
and shared this compliment.

"It's wonderful that you were here, " he said.
"to help our peaceful message spread".
The old man smiled…then chuckled to himself
"I had no choice." he said.

"I was content to stay home.
to ignore the injustices…
to stay mum…
Until my ancestors came and reminded me
of all the reasons I had to come."

"My ancestors reminded me I don't do this for myself
but for all my ancestors who will outlive me…
And if I didn't do this…my ancestors told me
then my ancestors would never forgive me."

There is a reason we protest injustices
There is a reason not to stay mum:
For all our ancestors who have come before us
and our ancestors still to come.

Monday, August 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: ancestors
Kumarmani Mahakul 03 August 2020

There is a reason we protest injustices..injustice should be protected and justice should be admired. An amazing poem is very brilliantly penned.

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