Our Children Are Our Future Poem by Terence George Craddock

Our Children Are Our Future

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dire news again greets indites us
famous United States of America has
again fallen in rankings conferring

the title upon
the best country
in the world
to be a mother

sadly United States of America
slumbers in at 33rd best place
to be in the world to be a mother...

according to the recently released
2015 State of the World's Mothers report
prepared by Save the Children

so where exactly does America stand
regarding the welfare of her mothers
guardians of the next American generation?

I am so glad you cared enough to ask!

To put this into perspective to define
exactly how much penny pinching
an American government really cares...

about the next generation of her mothers
America stumbles in behind the countries
Croatia (30) , Poland (28) , Belarus (25) ,

Portugal (16) and Italy (12) with shocking
figures to add nightmare context to poked
in the eye American pie American dreams...

the monthly minimum wage in Portugal is
less than 600 euros a month meaning adding
salt in the eye insult injury to State spending

on American birth mother's is falling because
falling in at puff puff 33rd is actually two black spots
lower than America's last year's dismal ranking...

therefore America is literally indifferently standing
by as mothers die which means this ranking is not
a simple case of mismanagement benign neglect

it is deliberate bean counter policy malignant neglect!

Where does America fail to tip the life saving scales,
to care for her birth mothers amongst most prestigue list,
first prize economically developed caring countries?

Electrifying figures stripping away third world runners
reveals Women in the United States face a 1 in 1,800
risk of dying a maternal death; worst odds of all developed

countries America left in dust neglect watches,
far away in lead leaders the top 10 best countries,
in the world to be a mother in European countries;

mostly winning oak leaves heralded
1st prize Norway to second prize Finland
to third prize on victory podium Iceland;

then proudly running in Denmark, Sweden,
Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Australia and
10th in top ten rankings European Belgium.

Europe where founding father's originated from?
Leaving Europe with dreams of a better world
to bestow on their children all their descendants!

How far to fall from visions dreams
expectations of founding frown fathers?
Yes an elite plague stole the future

from honest citizens
on a global scale
an horrific disaster...

So what will yo do about it
steal the dream back from an elite
who mount your head on the wall for sport?

For profit steal wealth prosperity globally from many
to fill their vast elite bank vaults with greed money
stolen from poor citizens with dreams of prosperity?

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Written in May 2015 on the 6&20&22.5.2015.
Complete version of the split images 'USA 33rd Best Place To Be A Mother', 'Mothers Guardians Of The Next American Generation', 'America Mothers Facing Third World Odds? ' and 'Dreams Of Founding Father's Sold For Elite Profit' by Terence George Craddock.
Pregnant mothers are sacred, we hold the fate of not one but two lives, within the love care of our helping hands.
Source article: 'U.S. is 33rd best place to be a mother in the world. Yes,33rd. Behind Portugal, Belarus, Croatia.'
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