'' Our Excuses, No Longer Hold Sway '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' Our Excuses, No Longer Hold Sway ''

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Our severe lack of trust,
Is not unjust,
It is, but reality in motion,
From greed to lust,
To hatred and disgust,
To destroy, we all have the notion.

Society's in a mess,
It's filled with distress,
For those with, nothing now matters,
No need to guess,
Those without, they oppress,
Our world is totally in tatters.

More weapons of woe,
Forever on the go,
A deterrent is the ultimate disguise,
Those in the know,
Are too scared to show,
The destruction in front of our eyes.

Seeking particle beams,
Are but nightmarish dreams,
These scientists are totally mad,
These dangerous regimes,
And their suicidal schemes,
Can mean only one thing, it's bad.

Sending messages to space,
Ask what will we face,
If our lies, are ever received,
Can we keep up the pace?
With an alien race,
We could all end up bereaved.

Yet, those out there,
Were fully aware,
Our practises were a danger to all,
They really did care,
But they had to beware,
As the human had treachery on call.

A game's being played,
The truth they evade,
World leaders won't tell us the truth,
We are being betrayed,
First contact's been made,
Why are they being uncouth.

There was no denying,
Mother Earth was dying,
Due to our mastery of invention?
What we were applying,
Was quite terrifying,
They decided on supreme intervention.

Our visitors are here,
We should all feel fear,
They're not here to show us the way,
By refusing to adhere,
It's been made crystal clear,

‘' Our Excuses No Longer Hold Sway ‘'

Monday, December 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: arrogance
Varsha M 21 December 2020

There was no denying, Mother Earth was dying, Due to our mastery of invention? What we were applying, Was quite terrifying, They decided on supreme intervention......your words are really true. Not always inventions leads us to good end. The discovery of atom bomb now a danger bomb. The discovery of viruses now fear biological warfare....your concern is right we need to stop and rethink.

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