Pain Poem by Myste Mitchell


Why bother, no one cares, no one ever truly does; enough to ask or help you up when you’re down. They just walk by look, down and continue on with their lives. So if you want up you have to fight for it! Do not count on someone else when you really need them, that’s when they let you down the most!

The only person you can count on is yourself and God for support. Yep, that’s it! He is the only one who is always there, he always has been, and he always will be. The next time you need advice go to him, he will never lie to you, never hurt you. It may not make any sense at the time but... he has an amazing plan for you, he will not let what he wants get in the way.

You may think your friends don’t either, but they do. We all do, we are only people - it is in our genes. Just fall into his arms he will always catch you. He will never be too tired to talk to you or comfort you. He never thinks what you want is stupid or unreachable. If you do not reach something, it doesn’t mean you will never reach it. It just means it is not your time to reach it, give it time. Give him time, his plan is perfect. You can pray for years with no answer it seems. LISTEN, he is there, you just can’t always hear him. Yes, it may not always be the answer you want. Trust me when it is a no, it is for the better. His plan just doesn’t involve whatever or whoever it is, but what is best for you.

You will be in a better place in the end if you just LISTEN. It is harder than it sounds, I know. How can you hear what you can not see? How can you feel what you can not touch?
How can you open your eyes and see what’s not there? Well, for everyone the answer is different. For myself, I have to listen to what I feel is right, sometimes just lay in the dark and pray. You won’t 'physically' hear it, but your heart will (inside your heart and soul) , yes I know it might sound stupid and lame, but trust me.

How do you feel what’s not there? Well, you can’t, but you can imagine being held in his arms. When I do, I find I can feel his warmth and his kindness. I know I am safe, it has gotten me through some really hard times. I’m sure it will many more times as well.

How can you open your eyes and see what’s not there? He can open your eyes to the truth;
something that may have been bothering you becomes clear. Yes, many other things can be the source, but why not give God credit? So a friend told you, maybe God told them to let you know. Next time some one tells you something and you think it maybe a lie ask them and your answer will lie inside yourself. Something will tell you if they are right. I recently had an experience with this so I know it’s true. So next time you need someone to talk to call on God. :) (or if you need someone with skin, call me) .

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