Pandora Lost Hope Poem by Della Perry

Pandora Lost Hope

A box lay on the floor
Opened only once
Now covered in dust.
Scratching came from within
No air, oxygen used, stale.
Diseased, sullen, dying,
Pandora opened the lid
Hope fluttered crazily,
Flapped into furniture,
Flew manically into the lights,
She watched its insane dance
For a time,
Before splatting the moth
Against the window pane.

Sunday, July 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: hopeless
Bri Edwards 17 November 2016

yes, lay..........the past tense of lie, but i checked to be sure. hee-hee but i also 'had to' check manically. i thought you might have meant maniacally, BUT i see there IS a manically: manic adjective man·ic \ˈma-nikPopularity: Bottom 50% of words Simple Definition of manic : having or relating to a mental illness that causes someone to become very excited or emotional : very excited, energetic, or emotional Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary Examples: manic in a sentence Full Definition of manic : affected with, relating to, characterized by, or resulting from mania manic noun manically play \-ni-k(ə-) lē\ adverb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE STORY OF Pandora's Box: [the things i learn on PH! ] June 2016 - When Zeus was so angry at Prometheus for giving people fire, he was also mad at the people who had tricked him into taking the wrong bag of meat. Zeus got back at the people by getting Hephaistos to make a beautiful woman, whom he named Pandora (which means all-gifts) . Zeus sent Pandora down to earth and gave her as a present to Prometheus' brother, Epimetheus. Zeus told Epimetheus that he should marry Pandora. Also, Zeus sent Pandora with a little box, with a big lock on it (Actually in the earliest versions of this story it is a sealed pottery vase) . He said not to ever open the box, and he gave the key to Epimetheus. Pandora opens the box Pandora opens the box But Pandora was very curious about what was in the box. She begged Epimetheus to let her open it, but he always said no. Finally one day he fell asleep, and she stole the key (or broke the seal) and opened the box (or vase) . Oh! Out of the box flew every kind of trouble that people had never known about before: sicknesses, and worries, and crimes, and hate and envy and all sorts of bad things. The bad things all began to fly away like little bugs, all over the place. Pandora was very sorry now that she had opened the box! She tried to catch the bad things and put them back in the box but it was too late. They all flew away. But the very last thing to fly out of the box, as Pandora sat there crying, was not as ugly as the others. In fact it was beautiful. It was Hope, which Zeus sent to keep people going when all the nasty things got them down. ============================= gee, Della, ya ruined it for mankind with this poem! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : ( very entertaining! especially after reading the story online. i think Pandora was clueless and, therefore, mankind is NOW hopeless. boo-hoo to MyPoemList and prepped to go into Section C of November 2016's showcase. well done. did you write a kids' book about this yet? what a downer for some! bri :)

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Anil Kumar Panda 18 August 2016

Very nice. Your write on simple matter is very good.Keep up.

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Della Perry

Della Perry

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