Paranoia Poem by Francis Duggan


Because of fear of avian influenza the Town Councillors talk of exterminating the pigeons who for decades have lived in the Town Square
As if they are a threat to the health of the the Locals the threat to the Locals come from elsewhere
Other than a flock of feral pigeons who have lived in the Town Square for years
We are in the grip of widespread paranoia which is cripplng
our healthier fears.

We are spooked by this thing paranoia the mother she hears her child sneeze
She rushes him off to the doctor she fears death is blowing in the breeze
He prescribes for the child antibiotics 'give him one of these three times a day'
The doctors and the drug companies happy that's life I suppose one might say.

Huge drug companies are raking in billions they thrive on our paranoia and fear
Of deadly infectious diseases of late far too much we hear
Out of the spreading of paranoia some people make billions and billions for antibiotics spent in pharmacies every day
For some fear mongering is a financial winner money is the root of all evil they say.

Because of the fear of the avian influenza the pigeons of the Town Square may have to die
These birds not a threat to the health of the Locals those who tell us they are telling a lie
Some stand to gain from paranoia there's billions to be made out of fear
And of terror and life threatening diseases of late is all we seem to hear.

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