People Healers Hurters Are Not The Same Species Poem by Terence George Craddock

People Healers Hurters Are Not The Same Species

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people who tread on taboo social toes
people who happily walk into social minefields
people who are blunt insensitive cruel

people best avoided side stepped or sensitivity guided

painful topics are often socially avoided
not everyone wants to walk into a social minefield
people who do often lack a social compass

people who do often lack a social filter
people who do often do more damage than good
people who do are often honourary village gossips

people who do are often sensitivity indifferent

gossip can be a crime against humanity
gossip malicious deliberately spiteful hurtful
gossip which results in tragic dire consequences

should such gossips who spark self harm be accountable for their crime
should such gossips who spark suicide be accountable for their crime
should such gossips who are internet trolls be accountable for their words

the taboo topics taboo we do not cannot talk about you

break up is a part of reality
break up bad break ups are tragic parts of reality
break up has short and long term effects

these effects depend upon the intensity of emotions
there are techniques which address and resolve pain
self love the repetition of healing thoughts mantras

be kind to yourself
avoid people who are not kind
let the words of the cruel be like water off a ducks back

feel sorry for the cruel
feel sorry for the cruel who live long enough
feel sorry for the cruel who live long enough to realize what they are

feel sorry for the cruel who live long enough to realize what they have done

love heals
confidence heals
pain anxiety trauma left ignored

do not

healers have a look in their eyes
healers have a touch in their hands
healers have a gift love in their souls

healers have a specific audience
healers know when how to reach teach heal
healers know when to bestow the gift of restoration

Monday, November 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: break up,cruelty,gossip,healing,love,pain,people,restoration
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Written in November 2020 on the 20&28.11.2020.
Inspired by a comment I made on my poem 'Devastating Break Up Heartbreak Blues', by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Dedicated to the beautiful people, the healers, who are kind compassionate and heal the lost and the broken hearted.
Complete version of the split images 'People Who Happily Tread On Taboo Social Toes', 'People Who Lack A Social Compass', 'Gossip Can Be A Crime', 'Break Up Bad Break Ups Are Tragic Parts Of Reality', 'Cruelty Can Memory Whip In Old Age', 'Does Deep Pain Heal? ' and 'Healers Can Bestow A Gift Of Restoration' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
See also companion poems 'Painful Topics Deleted Socially Avoided' and 'Questions Asked Can Define Character Types' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
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