People In Love & Prayer Poem by Tom Zart

People In Love & Prayer

God must love people in love
Or He wouldn't have made so many.
Those who claim it's a mental disease
Have never been loved by any.

Love is stronger than life itself
And jealousy more cruel than the grave.
Men and women have loved one another
Since they spent their nights in a cave.

Love, indeed, descends from Heaven
Like a shooting star across the sky.
Love sometimes stirs the dust
Till tears fall free from the eye.

Love and its hardships bring us closer to God
When He is the source of our every need.
When we count on faith and trust His will
We are able to overcome temptation and greed.

Like the flowers in the fields we shed our shields
To be warmed by the sun.
We live our lives the best we can
Till death catches us on the run.


On my knees, with folded hands
I thank the Lord each day
For when I think of life itself
It makes me want to pray.

Most of my friends are dead and gone
You'll find flowers where they lay.
I know that some of them
To Heaven found their way.

So many times I've looked up
To Heaven in the night
Asking answers from our Lord
Who's always in my sight.

Any day could be my last
There's no time to fuss or fight.
There's just time to be loved
Who cares who's wrong or right.

By God's Poet
Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
On The Web!

Sunday, November 16, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love and pain
Kumarmani Mahakul 16 November 2014

God ever loves all and says to love each other. Very nice message is transferred by poet Tom Zart. Excellent presentation and very beautiful poem really.

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