People Say Poem by Stacy Bea

People Say

People say im not alone
People say they are here for me
People say they care for me
People say life is worth living

People say all this,1000 times or more i heard this

People... i need space

im alone in a croud for a reason
i fear for a reason
i wish to end my life but i dont for a reason

a tear drops from my eye
blood courses through my veins bringing pain to each limb
i hope for a brighter day where my fears dont hold me down

i have not slept in a week, not more that 2 hours a night
i fear one thing... i fear me...
i fear that i will be alone as long as i dwell on the past
the past which even a good memory gives me pain

pain sits at the dinner table
sits next to me in school
sleeps next to me

it does not rest

my parents have no idea
they dont even see the poet in me
my friends see the poet but not the true pain
you know my pain, you maybe see a poet

pain sees me for what i am and i am just a hopeless soul with pain courseing through my veins as if its posion

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