Problem With Love Is... Poem by Marcquiese Burrell

Problem With Love Is...

Noticed in the beginning we were getting kind of close
a fews days in we drifted apart
you sweet talked your way into my heart
foolishly i opened up to you
Knew you were just too good to be true
didn't love the way you lied
you've gotten a little too comfortable
need a little of conversation
need a little understanding
each and everytime i try and talk with you
i feel you pull away
this just isn't working if you can't commit
then i'm gone trully done with it
I relinquish part of myself to you
silly, silly wasn't i?
when i believed the hype you've built around yourself
feeling abandoned, feeling alone
see love never lived here
and if it ever did it quickly died
I was a little assured that I finally found someone worth my time
only to think about it
i realized that it was all an illusion built in my mind
days gone by and I heard nothing
Nowadays I think of you and I laugh
Love played me for a fool
Hope you get what you are wishing
I certainly won't allow myself to stay
under the circumstances I experienced
I've gotten so entangled in you
Losing part of myself until i came to my senses
you and I just ain't going work
So I've thrown in the towel
Take care i wish you all the best
on your future romances
Just know that you could've had something
beyond great it would of been that incredible
if only you made time for me
So i'm gladly exiting this thing and you
can go back to doing what it was you were doing
bye bye now got no time for you

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