Prospice Poem by Robert Browning


Rating: 3.2

Fear death?---to feel the fog in my throat,
The mist in my face,
When the snows begin, and the blasts denote
I am nearing the place,
The power of the night, the press of the storm,
The post of the foe;
Where he stands, the Arch Fear in a visible form;
Yet the strong man must go:
For the journey is done and the summit attained,
And the barriers fall,
Though a battle's to fight ere the guerdon be gained,
The reward of it all.
I was ever a fighter, so---one fight more,
The best and the last!
I would hate that Death bandaged my eyes, and forbore,
And made me creep past.
No! let me taste the whole of it, fare like my peers,
The heroes of old,
Bear the brunt, in a minute pay glad life's arrears
Of pain, darkness and cold.
For sudden the worst turns the best to the brave.
The black minute's at end,
And the elements' rage, the fiend voices that rave,
Shall dwindle, shall blend,
Shall change, shall become first a peace out of pain.
Then a light, then thy breat,
O thou soul of my soul! I shall clasp thee again,
And with God be the rest!

Sylvia Frances Chan 19 September 2024

FINAL: As The Modern POem Of The Day. Hooray! TOP Marks 5 Stars

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Sylvia Frances Chan 19 September 2024

FINAL: motivation in life is to face death heroically, and of course, for Browning, to reunite with Elizabeth. Death, Journey, Love, Spirituality Bravery, Courage, Optimism Dramatic Monologue,19th Century. CONGRATS being chosen by Poem Hunter and Team

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Sylvia Frances Chan 19 September 2024

The title is Latin and means "looking forward".This poem was written in 1864 after the death of Robert Browning's wife, Elizabeth, in 1861. It posits that the final and ultimate

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Godfrey Morris 07 May 2015

Awesome write. Lovely

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John Richter 07 May 2015

An ode to death, or perhaps the fear - or more like the angst of death - A piano teacher told me that there are no 'wrong' keys on the piano.... True that. But some are all-together shrill and certainly disproportionate when played together or in sequence. And then there are those like this poem - resting in absolute and synchronous perfection.....

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Robert Browning

Robert Browning

London / England
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