Questions Without Real Answers, Or Do They Have Some? Poem by Gert Strydom

Questions Without Real Answers, Or Do They Have Some?

Who killed six million Jews,
during the second word war?
in the books you will find
the name of Herr Adolf Hitler,
but was that man alone? To where
did his many helpers disappear?

Who killed millions of Russians,
put them in penal camps in icy Siberia,
you will say that it's Joseph Stalin, for sure
but how can a single man do such a thing?

Who dropped two atomic bombs
on cities in Japan? You will say
the United States Air Force did
to preserve the armed men
fighting for a just cause,
but the man that ordered it,
Harry S Truman is innocent, and those who
build those bombs?

And then a man sends his military forces
into the Middle East
to stop weapons of mass destruction
to explode on the civilized world,
or so it was claimed
and innocent men, women and children
pay the price
and to the rest of the world it's quite clear
that oil reserves was the driving force
and who can believe
that American President anyway?

Did he not say: "Read my lips? "

[Note: This poem is not aimed as a assault on the United States of America. It just illustrates how people are in the power of the leaders of political systems.]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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