Resurrection Poem by Sandeep Mandal


Once I met a man all weary and pale
He said he had everything but peace
Inquisitive I wanted to hear his tale
He went on rather gloomily and said
Little he enjoyed before his decease
And now left regrets that only tease.
A happy, cheerful man he had been
With simple demeanour and a grin
Only close friends, not a single foe
It was all but an extravagant show.
An all time go to person for all folks
Positivity was all he always evoked
Thus known as a helping hand to all
He never had known or ever realised
Exactly when he became a living doll.
Whatever was told rang true with him
Never he wondered if they needed a trim.
Thus he did pay heed to all and sundry
Never he realised who's the real hungry.
As he failed to weed out the unwanted
Unaware he got confined to a thorny bed
He believed it all and acted accordingly
Took it for real advice and the needy's plea.
Thus to a people pleaser he was slowly led
While his own needs and wants remained unfed
He confessed he swore by moral principles
Laid down in the books and holy scriptures.
Here's a man in plight, there's another without sight
He jumped straight into to lead the fight
Not knowing when to step in and when back
For he followed the Head of the lamb's pack
Literally with little idea about the implication.
Smooth was the sailing until he came across
A tide so turbulent he was shaken to the core
Shattered were the principles so far served
Thus drained he broke down before the door.
The more he insisted, the more it got closed
Stripped of all principles he felt grimly exposed.
Very soon he found himself living on the edge
At his wit's end he was utterly lost in the maze.
But the light wasn't put out, still flickering in him
Perhaps to show the way out of the impasse
And awaken that the light must be first lit inside
Then only it could truly illuminate the mass.
The friend of all friends must be first befriended
Before trying to fix others the self must be mended.
If the world is to be made a peaceful place to live in,
All that is to be done first is to find peace within.
Peace is nothing but harmony between belief and deed
Planted much before our conception a divine seed.
With such confessions the man weary and pale takes leave
And hearing his long tale I feel my mood uplifted
The man was none but my own soul resurrected from the dead.

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