......&***sadness****....... Poem by wardha jawdat


Rating: 3.0

the moon is so silent....
the air so ominously still
this night seems endless
this sadness tireless still
my heart...does it beat?
i hear nothing in my mind..
no breathing even..
it's so silent
i might be soulless tonight...
theres no whispering fantasy
to enlighten my sombriety
no empty wanderings
to chase away these morosities
i feel alone...bereft
tragedly sad.
without knowing, i've been met
with such a friend, as sadness,
who comes upon me ever so slow,
like a forgotten lover's memory...
which is slow in advent;
and ever ruluctant to go.

Dr Kamran Haider 01 July 2009

which is slow in advent and even slower to go...... I think one can't write such a lovely piece without feeling sadness in each cell of one's body... Brilliant...keep writing...

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Afzal Shauq 11 April 2010

sweet it is too.. means you you are quite capable to write good poems.. a sweet poem

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theres no whispering fantasy to enlighten my sombriety no empty wanderings to chase away these morosities here goes the Wardhanics :)

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Kesav Easwaran 08 July 2009

Yes...sadness is a friend that often creeps into us... slowly and slowly... and lingering long...i liked the soft melancholy that adorns this write...thanks Wardha...10

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Shekhar Joshi 07 July 2009

Thats excellently written..........love it......... beautiful work............. ;)

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Roland Bastien 06 July 2009

the words flow and feeling rises - This poem can be a beaufiful son for piano and colourature soprano.....

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