Scenes Of Nature Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Scenes Of Nature

Rating: 5.0

The route of my early dawn's walk
Stays same as is the hour of clock,
But I see varied shades of scenes,
Be it the sun, river, or greens.

That day the fog was at its height,
The sun looked nigh moon-like white,
The moon, the colour of copper,
The scene it was mind hopper,
Had I not been sure of directions,
It was hard to spot them in heavens:
Which among them the sun,
And which of the two, moon!

And to mind came the photo-file
I once saw of a Kangada style—
Krishna wearing Radha's garments,
And Radha, Krishna's ornaments….
The sun and moon today
May have changed garments and be gay!

And on a day somewhat clearer,
The scene would be no less-stranger,
The river waters looking golden,
The sun reflecting from the heaven,
And as it rose higher in heaven,
It tended to slowly lengthen,
And look like a rod so radiant,
Like a minaret looking iridescent!

The scene has ever stayed with me
All through my life's long journey,
And a thought crossed my mind
From the far off footprints behind:
The man-made crests of fame may fall,
The nature-made whilst still stand tall!
Reflections 12.04.2020|
Topic: nature, sun, river, fame

Saturday, April 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: fame,nature,river,sun
Valsa George 14 April 2020

The man-made crests of fame may fall, The nature-made whilst still stand tall! The concluding lines are the crux of the poem! Beautiful narration of the scintillating loveliness of Nature....! A 10

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Aniruddha Pathak 15 April 2020

Thanks for visiting and appreciating the poem. The loveliness of nature as you said remains because the nature always evolves and recreates, whilst the man-made things can only deteriorate with time.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 12 April 2020

The day of fog and height allows us to memories back the day of dawn's walk. The scene has ever stayed with and perception of dawn's beauty speaks everything. A nice imagery is painted. This poem is very beautifully penned.

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Aniruddha Pathak 12 April 2020

Thanks dear poet for sharing the secrets of my morning walk.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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