Science Poem by Patrick Fealy


Do you believe in science, in the Spike Protein
Contact tracers report wherever you've been
We call it Science and the vaccine is groovy
It make you feel so happy like an old-time movie
Let me tell you 'bout the science. It will free your mind
but how can I convince you if your deaf dumb and blind
If you don't believe in science we manufacture consent
like jug band music when the notes are all bent
So come and listen, just get into the groove
Keep the mask on your face cuz you got nothing to lose
If your feet start tapping and you start to go blind
It's bound to be the clotting but don't change your mind
If you believe in science, come along with me
You will sweat until the morning till a quarter to three
And maybe if your temperature's right
I'll meet you in the morning if you get through the night
And we will go out dancing and then you will see
how Fauci is the science, and the vaccine's in me
Yeah, do you believe in science?
Yeah, believe in science and do what your told
Believe in the science and in what you've been sold
Believe its only science that can set you free
Ahh, talking 'bout the science
Do you believe in science?
(Do you believe like I believe?) Do you believe, believer?
(Do you believe like I believe?) Do you believe in science?
(Do you believe like I believe?) Do you believe in science?

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