Seasons Come And Seasons Go Poem by Tango

Seasons Come And Seasons Go

Rating: 5.0

Seasons come, and seasons go,
before you know it, your old, and slow.
Your hair is grey, and your eyes are dim,
the teeth are gone, and you have a double chin.
You only hear half of what is said,
in the night you are up two or three times, from your bed.
On awakening you feel not to bad,
but when you move, suddenly parts begin to ache,
that you never even knew you had.
It is such a bind this old age game,
why cant one just reach a certain age,
say twenty five, then just remain the same.


Adam Day 25 September 2008

haha i love it

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Spock The Vegan 29 August 2020

Not too bad a poem. I can relate.

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Dr Antony Theodore 29 May 2016

why cant one just reach a certain age, say twenty five, then just remain the same. i smiled while reading your poem.... just a wishful dreammmm yes that would have been fine to remain ever 25...... so nice an imagination. thank you for this poem. tony

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Susan Williams 14 April 2016

Yes,25 would do nicely. Perfectly in my case. I commented in length but the comment was not posted. I enjoyed this piece very much. I will submit this comment and if it is not posted I will try mailing you a comment.

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Viola Grey 26 September 2008

and they say you're only as old as you feel....what if you actually feel older...then where does that leave you....I really like this piece, it's nicely written

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Tai Chi Italy 25 September 2008

these sort of down beat poem always inspire me....Hope you don't mind, but you've been Tango'd! lol Smiling at you Tai x lol Seasons come, and seasons go, Stay active and you won't look too old or slow. Dye your hair and your eyes keep living. Brush your teeth and don’t frown or look down At anything that is said. Don’t be judgemental And you will sleep well in your bed. Upon waking you will feel not so bad If you get up and exercise, you will feel glad That you never ever gave up. Believed the hype That growing old is all bad. Age is just a number. A game on every page. Seventy Five year olds, Can stay healthy, happy and sane. It’s just another life stage. It’s how you take it, with or without the strain.

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