Set Me Free Into This World Poem by Kellyn, A Grau

Set Me Free Into This World

Drowning in the anger that you love to put me threw
Teeth are now grinding to help me understand how I knew
You’d be the one to destroy my last strand of hope
Now why is it that you’re the one to always hand me the rope
Do you want me to hang my self before your eyes
So my bloody tears will make you cry
Do you yearn to feel all my pain
Is their some pleasure in seeing the red stain
The one that falls around my feet
As the blood drips out and makes you complete
Forgive me if I seem forwards but why do you hate me so much
Is nothing ever perfect to you, why is your fist clutched
I am your mistake and then one you created
I am your spawn and the one that you hated
Am I that much of a reject to you
Is everything I do just a damn lie too
I’m sick of being controlled and of you yelling in my face
I want some other fool to be the one that takes my place
I’ll show you one day that you cant drag me down
That one day I’ll be free and you wont be around
That day will be heaven for I can finally see
That I can be me and you’ll finally agree
Or you’ll lose all interest in something so great
Is it sad that you still want me to relate
I am not you and not the person you seek
I am so tired of having to sneak
I want to be honest and I want to be true
But you’ll never allow me to see right threw
Your Cheshire cat smile and the way you push me
Cause you’ll trap me inside you in the worst degree
Please unshackle my legs and free my broken wings
I’m tired of being pulled on your invisible strings
I’m sick of your torture and the way you hold me back
I can do this on my own so please just give me some slack
Let me grow up and please don’t make me plea
And please mom just give up I’ll never be what you want me to be
Cause I cannot deny who I am anymore
So kiss me good-bye as I walk out that front door

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