She Poem by KyleXX Golindang


I know a girl who's good at pretending
She seems to be strong, who can get through anything
But everything she is, was just a kind of disguise
She is a good actress in a way that you can't even realize
But I know something is wrong with her
She always denies it and give some funny answers
She don't want others to see that she's suffering
Because it is best to just keep on going
She loves to sleep when she suffers depression
Cause for it seems to be the only option
I know that when she's silent, she's screaming inside
I can feel the pain that she's trying to hide
Then I saw her sitting silent in one corner
There are so many things that was thrown at her
And each one has made her crack that makes her shatter
And slowly and slowly the mask she wears was uncovered
She really don't want to talk about it to anybody
Because they don't care enough to look and see
And its hard for her to explain it to someone
Because she thinks nobody would understand
And then she chooses to be alone
So that nobody would ask her what is wrong
Because she don't want others to know what's going on
I know she wants to stop feeling miserable
It hurts too much to hold on anymore
And now she refuses to feel anything at all
And also that everything is not worth fighting for
But it's funny how she get used to the pain
Because no matter what she does everything will never be the same
And you can sense that behind her smile there are words left unsaid
Those words were too stiff and still remains in her head
But just look onto her eyes and you will see
That this girl I'm talking about is full of misery
I'm sharing this because you need to realize something
That you need to be more sensitive in somebody's feeling
So that you can comfort them appropriately
Because not everybody who's in pain wants sympathy
Just try to understand this kind of people
It's not easy to overcome life's obstacle
And what she's going through right now is not easy
She is dealing it with herself more likely
She wants to prove that problems are not meant to be shared
But rather problems are meant to be solved
She doesn't want to evoke sympathy from others
Cause she wants to maintain the strength within her
That's the only thing that keeps her holding on
In order for her to maintain her emotions
Do you know who she is?
This girl I'm referring in this poem piece
Well, I'd rather hide her true identity
I think that would be necessary
Cause anybody could be her
And maybe you're in the same situation either
So if you feel this poem is written just for you
Then you're the girl I'm referring to.

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