Unreciprocated Love Poem by KyleXX Golindang

Unreciprocated Love

everytime i fall inlove, it always ended up so sad
cause everytime i fall, it really hurts so bad
i think that love was so cruel to me
it always make me so unhappy
but its my fault anyway
because there are things im scared to say
i choose to love in silence
because i get used to it ever since
and this is me, and this is how i fall inlove
sad so say that ive always been like that
i dont know why, but this is how it seems to be
and you know what, this has never been easy
i want to end this kind of feeling cause it makes me sick
but its like i was already immune to it
im afraid to be rejected
that's why i keep my mouth sealed
tell them nothing but let them feel
and show that my love for them was real
i know that actions without words are confusing
but remember that words without actions are nothing
then id rather do the confusing one
and i know it bothers to some
but atleast i showed that i love and care
and this is what i truly swear
i may not speak the words that define this feeling
but i can show to them that true love is really existing
this words of mine may sound so untrue
but its possible and this is what im telling you
ive been through to all of this
and i already offered the love which is selfless
but then they still chose to break my heart
because i have no courage to tell them from the start
how much they mean to me was never been revealed
cause i have no guts to tell tel what i really feel
it hurts so much they dont know about this even
this unspoken words left me so broken
and i still care about them despite of everything
because love should be given without asking something
unreciprocated love and that's what they call it
the love that is so painful and only result to a heartache
even though this unreciprocate love is so painful
but as to love theres nothing in this world so wonderful
maybe you might actually feel bad about it
cause there are things we dont want to happen but have to accept
and you may think that im stupid because of this
i know and yes i am, its just, its too bad that they dont know that i exist
i never thought that i will love somebody this much
getting my hope up for something i know wont last
'sometimes no matter how much you love someone, they will never love you back,
and some times you have to be okay with that'

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