She Is Property Poem by Randy McClave

She Is Property

I see and hear men constantly cry
When from abortions unborn children die,
They all scream the right to be born is their ultimate right
So, against abortions they will always vote and fight.
They scream, "children have the right to be born"
Without hate or mistake or ever hurt or scorn,
Even if they were conceived because their mother's were raped
Or because of their father's or brother's they were shaped.
Of course a woman has no right in this decision
As a man controls her as he does the remote on the television,
Even if in child birth would cause a woman to lose her life
She belongs to man, either as a sister, daughter, girlfriend or wife.
When it comes to an abortion a woman has no vote
She must carry the man's wants and desires as he'll boast and gloat,
She is just needed for the seeding
And in his eyes her purpose is for cooking and cleaning and breeding.
A woman cannot and will not ever control my body at all
I am even protected always by the law,
Now she is becoming more and more a man's property
Especially here in the United States, and in every state and small city.
When those un-aborted children are given birth
They are later then forgotten by everyone upon the earth,
People scream that their tax dollars shouldn't be used to help or feed them
Then they are lost forever in hatred and bedlam.
I believe it's a woman's right to do what she wants to do
She doesn't have to ask permission from me or you,
If she wants to get pregnant and give birth then it's her choice
And if she doesn't want to, then that of course is her voice.
I cannot get pregnant because I am a man
I can always impregnate a woman even when I'm a hundred because I can,
A woman isn't property and should not be seen and treated as livestock
Just because she has a uterus, and not a cock.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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