She Who Conqures Poem by Courtney Redmond

She Who Conqures

Could the world see me
If I showed my true self
The fearless gurl
Stays silent
As night turns to day

Most the time the real b in me tells me to do things
The silent me doesn’t want to do
Most the time I shut her up with cookie and keep on going
But lately I can’t stop her from the mess she makes
The struggle between the two of us brings so much drama
Though drama seems to be my middle name lately
As it unfolds into the bigger issues
I try to hide myself in my little corner
But the other me fights till she get what she wants
If she wants something she has got to have it
Even thought the one thing she truly wants she cant have
The man of her dreams seems so far away
He knows her but cant see her
He senses her attitude, her charm, and her wit
He can’t find the beauty that resides
No matter how hard she flirts
He can’t see it
It’s only a chuckle
Then back to his own life

So the silent one forgets
And the loud on retaliates
Though it seems we are so different
In stature
Though we are one body

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