Simply Said Poem by Luz H.

Simply Said

Rating: 2.5

Simply put and simply said
who can deviate?
You'd be surprised!

Children learn to communicate
in love with simple concepts and words
and it is all very simple
and the simple, simply worry not!
Simplicity can help relax overcrowded minds.

As man becomes refined and accomplished
he learns the complexity of thoughts
and the mind begins to wonder?
for a simple word may mean
different things to different folks
not to mention if you use a different tone.

A 'No', could mean 'Yes'
-if you're attune to the tone
and our simple words
can make us confused and lost
in a sea of wondering,
What did they mean by that?
What did he tried to convey?
Was she being sincere,
or is she being sarcastic?

Oh! the simplicity of words...
and the intricacy
of highly educated intellects
which gives birth to
distrust, worry and hypocrisy
for it's all a democracy
in this confusing bureaucracy
where good is bad and bad is good
and 'yes' could be 'no.'? ?

Is it any wonder why at times
the children, the simple and the drunk
are the only ones we can trust not to lie?
But without trust and love
even the simplest of words
are misunderstood and one
can imagine foul play, doubt and suspect.

In the cultivated world of skilled communicating
where accomplished expressions can play tricks
don't forget to overlook misunderstandings
return the heart to the days of childhood
were you lacked such complex views
then take a deep breath, or a little break
whatever works best in each case?
Finally apply a simple dose of soothing love.
See! the boo boo it's all better now.
Mama knows best!

Monday, August 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Akhtar Jawad 17 April 2019

Finally apply a simple dose of soothing love. See! the boo boo it's all better now. Mama knows best! ...Beautiful concluding lines of a nice poem.

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Luz Hanaii 18 April 2019

Akhtar, Thank you for reading and commenting.

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