Some Questions Poem by Sandra Martyres

Some Questions

What does it take to endure and prevail
When all around you is falling apart?
What does it take to stick to your values
When all around you it is money that talks?
What does it take to select the path to goodness
When all around you are aiming for glory at any cost?
What does it take to beat the rotten system
When all around you are fuelling it consistently?
The answer my friend is staring you in the face
To do right be humble and seek God's grace

Brendan 15 February 2018

...The fact is that telling tales of magical creatures hurts more than it helps. Kneeling and saying a prayer will do nothing. But going out into the world and taking action, in whatever form that may be, will make move mountains.

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Brendan 15 February 2018

Whats happening in Cape Town is precisely because people like you spew this idiotic diatribe. Praying to a fairy in the sky is not a solution, only through courage and action can we make the world better. never did and will never exist. A myth created by less informed men when answers to life's many questions were thin.

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