Something Called Love Poem by Brittany Perez

Something Called Love

When we met it was love at first sight,
The romance was there
But was forgotten by sunrise.

Slowly we opened up to each other,
Sharing our innermost thoughts,
Feelings we couldn't help but show.

Our friends began to see us together,
Still questioning the love,
But there is no greater love than what we have.

People now are jealous of you,
They thought they had a chance,
But you are the one that won my heart.

Our love we have made together,
Can stand up against anything,
Nothing can come between us.

Yet, I know you have to go,
And I will miss you so,
I will still be here awaiting your return.

I will pray for you and sent them to God,
May he protect you while you are away,
And may the open sea be soothing and calm.

My heart still beats for you,
And always will,
As it awaits your safe arrival home.

Love isn't a simple thing,
Yet some would like to thing this,
Love in fact is what keeps us intact.

We have shared laughter, smiles, and hugs,
Yet only one thing can send me back into that first moment,
Your lips on mine made me drift into the heavenly clouds.

The angel started singing melodies,
The harps played their harmonic songs,
The doves flew overhead whistling sweet sounds.

Sunshine floods his golden halls,
The twinkle in your eyes grows brighter,
The warmth of you embrace makes me melt into your arms.

You catch me and hold me close,
Wishing you would never have to leave me,
But leaving and lettng go are two different things.

And I will not let go of the time we have spent together,
And will not forget the romance,
You are my true love and always will be closest to my heart.

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