Speak My Name Poem by Randy McClave

Speak My Name

She was mistreaten
And she was severely beaten,
She was mentally abused
And sadly she was violently used,
She was hurt and tricked
And she was hit and kicked.
She was the blame.

She wanted more
But, she came to a closed door,
She was property owned
Because of it she never moaned,
She had proposed
But, the door was closed.
She had no claim.

She was belittled
Her confidence was wittled,
When she thought she was no good
Because he wouldn't say he would,
She did what she was told
She was always controlled.
She lived in shame.

She was raped
From a situation she never escaped,
She was never truly adored
As she was always ignored,
She was only known as property
For all to know and use and see.
She was a game.

She always felt sadly
As she was continually treated badly,
She didn't care that she was used or hurt
Necessity would not let her desert,
When she was shown a better life
She always headed back to the knife.
She remembered from where she came.

She believed it was her fault
When she ended up on the asphalt,
It was her error when she did beg
It was her flaw when she humped a leg,
But, then a revelation did occur
She didn't want her daughter to be like her.
She said, speak my name.

Randy L. McClave

Monday, October 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: abuse,female,violence,woman
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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