Special Lunch Memories Poem by Marilyn Lott

Special Lunch Memories

Whenever I want to go to a special place
For lunch and a nice visit
I’ll tell you about a restaurant that is
Fun and the service is exquisite

The food is exceptional as well
Seafood deep fried to perfection
Succulent and crispy outside
Ah yes, the perfect selection

Coleslaw is exactly what you want
Be sure it’s a dish that they send
Crunchy with a creamy dressing
That is really a tantalizing blend

And the French fries are always a favorite
Cut long and thin and deep fried
Delicious, I’ll tell you, my friend
They are obviously a necessary side

The clam chowder is creamy and hot
Just enough clams to make
A blend that you’ll long remember
For they have everything at stake

You take a lunch delicious as this
And to capture many great memories
You add a sweet granddaughter to share
It was an exceptional lunch for me!

U Win Kyi 06 April 2008

A good appetite with a special lunch is a GOD'S Blessing.There are many with disease which prevents them from eating. You can read mine 'The Right Food At Wrong Place' I hope you enjoy it. thanks.

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Marilyn Lott

Marilyn Lott

Washington state USA
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