Stitch My Self Together Again Poem by Kellyn, A Grau

Stitch My Self Together Again

The moon hung high above my face
The beams it held me with such care
The distance her it cant be placed
With in the judging eyes that stair
And though the mask cannot defend
The battle that will never win
I'll sit here locked away and pretend
That I've always been free from sin
And though the darkness lingers here
I see the shadows passing me
And though I'm blind I feel you near
The truth is set before me and now I see
That love will bring past your fear
And you can be what you wish
Don't let your pain fall by in tears
Just break me free with one little kiss
Judgment placed before my hands
I know that time is slipping away
The days are flowing away like sand
And I cant stand to wait for today
To fall apart and break my heart
I know how much I've lost hope
But something tells me I'll get a fresh start
And will finally be able to cope
With everything I've bottled up
It's time to see all those emotions free
I'll drown my sorrow with in this cup
And let the past depart from me
So let the blood from the past run dry
To break these chains that binds my soul
Forget the scars that run from my eyes
I'll patch my self up and become whole

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