Stuck In A Box Poem by Ayo Sogunro

Stuck In A Box

My gal is in town, and I’m stuck in a box.
She came downtown for some cuddles and some talks,
I promised her a weekend, Ice cream, and some fun,
Then Friday evening, the boss calls me on the ‘phone
“Get to the office, this weekend’s no vacation’
I try to explain “Sir, I have an obligation! ’
His angry voice down the line is plain for me to feel
So, it’s down to the office and goodbye to my gal

I’m stuck in a box, I’m stuck in a box,
I see it around me, it’s my life and it sucks

There’s a party, Tuesday night, for boys in the town,
Been no reunion since we doffed the stuffy grad gown
I was tipped to be speaker for my carousel and jokes
I practiced on my jigs; get a laugh for the folks
Party was on the mainland,8 o clock on the dot
The boss man he comes, hands me a new report
“See that you handle this before you leave for home”
I stared at the ream, and I thought, This is doom!

I’m stuck in a box, I’m stuck in a box,
I see it around me, it’s my life and it sucks

Told the old people I’ll be home for the hols
All they’ve had of me is the series of phone calls
My life is a box, I’ve tried hard to explain
They’ve grown weary of that and they no longer complain
So, its home for the hols, I’ll be down for Christmas
We’ll sit down by the tree for a lot of converse.
The Big Boss he shows again with a grin and a sneer
“Sorry to disappoint”, he says “we have no Christmas here! ”

I’m stuck in a box, I’m stuck in a box,
I see it around me, it’s my life and it sucks

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