Such Glory That You Can Never Believe Poem by Robert Rorabeck

Such Glory That You Can Never Believe

The clairvoyance of well shot and well
Hung words steals away my breath;
And they turn all of the sky and earth green under the
Parasols of comely hurricanes:
It does for me what beautiful people do in movies,
But it is only a representation of what you do for me,
Now the earth of my country can grow anything:
Elephants sprout of blowing trumpets over the soft beds
Of new kittens,
And the softest metals of angels spring up from the
Laughing spigots of the sky where
Not a single housewife has yet thought to move:
And you can drive your car all the way up to Ocala reading
Borges while your little sister laughs at you and says
You are in love;
And you can find a new house far removed from the yellow
Beds of yawning lions and the chartreuse dragonflies
Like laces of tears on their vests,
But I will find you: and I will always find you to make love
Or kill myself,
But never to harm you; but to hold your hand, while the
Angels play cards in the sky until they put their hands down
And slip away into the boudoirs whose make-believe doors
Hide such glory that you can never believe.

Robert Rorabeck

Robert Rorabeck

Berrien Springs
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