Suicide... Poem by nicole loftin


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No one knows when there life will end.
No one knows how they will die.
No one thinks about there death.

I know
I know
I think

I know how i will die.
I know when i will die.
And i always think about it.

Im not crazy,
Im not mental,
Im not syhco.

I just know that my life is hell and i want out.
People dont care,
they dont love,
they just put hate on me.

I want out of this terible hurt in side me
I want it gone.

The only way that will happen is if i commit SUICIDE.


i know where you are coming from here. i have been there too. you should read my poem 'sweet suicide'. i have a feeling you will like it. its a love cross with suicide. i wanted to die over love too. but at the last moment you can realize that love is still there. dont ever give up on love. cuz the moment u give completely up you could lose love. i think you would rather have love then to have lost. in the end it will matter. im not gonna be a jesus freak and im not going to judge you. if you need to talk to someone your age about everything i can try and help. e-mail me. we will talk...

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John Knight 27 April 2010

Hi Nicole - This is a very powerful poem and also a 'cri de coeur'. We don't know when we will die - however we can decide to die - which is suicide. If we plan to die we can know the date and the exact time. But this is not the answer because only by continuing to live can we sort out the 'inner hurt' and get our lives back on track. Life is too sweet Angel to 'go out' so young. Forget the things in the past - that bugged you - and resolve to count your blessings and live positively. 'Let go and let God............'. Thanks for sharing Angel - we all love you and are praying for you - Love through Poetry - JOHN.

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