Suited In Demon Evils Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Suited In Demon Evils

Anyone can see...
They need to be strung up by their feet,
For treason.

An economy has been devastated,
By an historic greed.
Staged to bleed a people for their oil.
But the odds have not been in their favor.
Those suited in demon evils.
Not to flavor those of higher consciousness...
With a taste to dismiss such wickedness expressed.

Anyone can see...
They need to be strung up by their feet,
For treason.

That is...
Except for those limited with addictions,
Of self indulgence and the restricted belief...
Enemies are on their doorsteps!
And more come to put an end to their own theft!

That has been their only fear.
Their main regret!
And now...
That has been exposed.
In a magnitude that has been amplified!
In a step by step dismantling,
Of a deeply hidden and discreeted deceit!
And completed by one,
Who splurges on high fashion.

Anyone can see...
They need to be strung up by their feet,
For treason.

An economy has been devastated,
By an historic greed.
Staged to bleed a people for their oil.
But the odds have not been in their favor.
Those suited in demon evils.
Not to flavor those of higher consciousness...
With a taste to dismiss such wickedness expressed.

To be addressed.
Like nothing ever seen before.
Or has never been before like this addressed...
To impress upon imaginations stunned by the reality,
Of those who are down low and dirty!

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