Summer 13 Poem by foufa la perle

Summer 13

-Yeah, I’m that kind of girl
who’d drive you crazy…
only to get what she wants

Yeah, I’m that kind of girl
who’s fall so easily…
but, I’d always dare to jump

-Tell me that you’ll hold me tight,
tell me that you won’t let me go…
that you’ll be with me for my whole life
and you’ll never leave me alone.

Oh, we don’t need wings to fly,
let’s live while we’re young.

Never mind about my lonely heart,
I just want to let you know…

Oh, oh… I’m not broken;
whatever you’d hurt me…
I’ll keep on dreaming,
nothing could ever stop me…

-only, a crazy teen, almost sixteen,
at summer 13!

-Yeah, I’m that girl…
who thinks that you’re amazing,
just for being yourself

Yeah, I’m that girl…
who might take it slowly,
but, I’m not anybody else.

-Tell me that you’ll hold me tight,
tell me that you won’t let me go…
that you’ll be with me for my whole life
and you’ll never leave me alone.

Oh, we don’t need wings to fly,
let’s live while we’re young.

Never mind about my lonely heart,
I just want to let you know…

Oh, oh… I’m not broken;
whatever you’d hurt me…
I’ll keep on dreaming,
nothing could ever stop me…

-only, a crazy teen, almost sixteen,
at summer 13!

-I’d disappear in never land…
young; forever that has no end.
Just close your eyes and take my hand…

Oh, we don’t need wings to fly,
let’s live while we’re young.

-don’t you worry about my heart;
I just want to let you know…

Oh, oh… I’m not broken;
whatever you’d hurt me…
I’ll keep on dreaming,
nothing could ever stop me…

-only, a crazy teen, almost sixteen,
at summer 13!

-Yeah, only a crazy teen, almost sixteen,
at summer 13!

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