Sweet, Adorable Honesty… Poem by Louise Tredoux

Sweet, Adorable Honesty…

How can I describe my beloved
when I’m in the throes of love?
I hope to descend to earth again;
sometime in the future - but right
now I’m too enchanted to think
logically, can’t describe him in
rational terms – only know his
heartbeat, his strange moods, his
incomprehensible enunciations, so
much so that I don’t know whether
he is really jealous because of love
or just plain weird at times

But it’s enough to convince me he’s
feeling strongly, I was always accused
of being the one who felt too much –
it was never warranted – but now it
seems I’ve met someone who feels
ever so much more – what shall I do
with him? – No matter, whatever
Rudi wants, he can have right now,
he is such a sweetheart, I can’t deny
him anything, he has been so brave,
weathering storms of emotion, he kept
his chin high while I was forced to sigh

Because he kept leaving me on a ship to
study examples of penguins and fishes;
I was even jealous of the sailors he was
with! – When he finally admitted that he
was jealous of me, of everyone I spoke
to, I could forgive him instantly, having
felt the same – now I try to swallow him
whole, he is so delectable in his
sweet, adorable honesty…

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