Swift Things are Beautiful Poem by Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth

Swift Things are Beautiful

Swift things are beautiful:
Swallows and deer,
And lightening that falls
Bright-veined and clear,
Rivers and meteors,
Wind in the wheat,
The strong-withered horse,
The runner's sure feet.

And slow things are beautiful:
The closing of day,
The pause of the wave
That curves downward to spray,
The ember that crumbles,
The opening flower,
And the ox that moves on
In the quiet of power.

David Lee Thompson 04 May 2019

I taught fifth grade for years, and this poem was in one of the fifth grade readers. The first time I read it, I decided it was worthy of remembering as one of life’s beautiful lessons. So, I went against all my college training about not having students memorize poetry and had them do exactly that very thing I was told to not do.

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Reema Sonawa?? 27 February 2018

Make poem on siyanshi name Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Gajanan Mishra 07 September 2016

all that are beautiful, good one

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