Tears Of The Night Poem by VUSI CHRIS VENUS MALALA

Tears Of The Night

every night I kept beating myself up about a mistake of time, something I would never chang but the only thing left of me was Guilt.

In times of sorrow I looked into those eyes that gave my reflection... Those eyes predicted my future through my words. Admiration is all that saved the heart from breakng

On the verge of a great fall I had a pillar that strengthened me & my being became my only virtue of value. Nothing in the human life could save me from me than a change of attidute and character but that was before I learnt that personality plus acts amounts to character.

I am me. Emotionl, rational and economical.
I may be the masterpiece, but I'm not perfect. I am a craft not a draft for I was made not printed.

I own the Emotions bank and so I have closed all access to my past and not because I'm black.
Black is just the colour that desguizes the true ingredients of my being; my humanity, my life and my love.Livng Above and beyond racial dominion and racial boundries and racial dermacation, I am superfircial. An unkonwn breed.
I breath through the poreous skin which housed my heart and my hands that lead me when I can't see and my eyes that navigate my life through high tides. All in all that is how I view my love life with the love I inherited with coherent knowledge of the truth beyond mankind understanding. The truth that I Love you.

Please wipe my tears of desperation as I listen to the song through the rhythmic beats of your heart that lies far beyond your breasts.
The heart that showed me love without judgement apart from the colour of my pigment.

I am not Perfect, but I am Humane. I may not be avarge but my love is the same as it is also from the heart.

I pledge to be good and remain the same through all seasons and keep the hate at bay by Presenting love to everyone including those who plot against me for my heart pound and longs for prosperity when every smile fade and my tears dry out at the sight of priceless gift in front of me.

It is as if I witness beauty for the first time.
It is tears of the night and not a dream for you are here with me.

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