Tells Of A Mistress Poem by Ivory Harris

Tells Of A Mistress

When I see the two of you together I want to cry but I don't. I see that you're happy with your family. I know that I am just a fraction in your life and never will be whole. I ask myself every day when I'll be tired of being your dirty little secret, your lie and shame? I love you I do. I never meant to fall in love with you the way that I have. I really wish you know how in love with you I am. I wish I could clone you so that I could have you to myself, but I know that's a far-fetched idea. I want marriage, a family of my own, kids, and a house with a white fence and a dog but I now that I will never get that because you already have that. My mind tells me at least ten times a day that I am done, tired and ready to let go but my hear overrides that every time. Maybe…..just maybe one day my heart and mind will agree and I will no longer be a mistress but a Mrs.'s………..

Ivory Harris

Ivory Harris

Chicago but grow up in Fresno, Cali
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