Testing, One.. Two... Poem by Eli Unknown

Testing, One.. Two...

In a place that holds not even a tablespoon of hope, so small - yet so big* attention ladies and gentlemen, be kind and quiet for just a moment eyes closed as I compose. A broken hearted love letter, in care of getting better. I came across you on accident; although it seems as if was meant to be... More than what either of us could see, the ambulance takes me in, replacing this broken heart * as soon as I heard your hello... Directly absorbing the wavelengths transmitted to me* via my souls stings! You tug and pull and carve your name in the darkest place in which, you brought hope, with just the breath from your chest, my soul is being blessed. How severe this test, narrowing the channels of SHHHHiii! Let's just be real, a bit. Binding with you to form a tighter bond than James double 07 himself, worth all the wealth, dumping in my garden the weighed bags of past trash, that has led me to tight where I'm at. A star rising just to fall, will you fall with me! ? The incredible risk of what if... The gamble the reward. Removing the complications, to be more in tune. I know you and I know your name* we can move mountains* a gift given to us, testing one two.... Am I getting through? ? ? ?

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