'' That First Seed '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' That First Seed ''

We're here to live,
To love and forgive,
We could all have an idyllic life,
Love one another,
As sister and brother,
To rid ourselves of all strife.

If toleration,
Was our expectation,
The world would be a different place,
Uniting as one,
Would bring so much fun,
There'd be a smile on everyone's face.

We would be freeing,
The intelligent being,
From a life of wars and disputes,
By discarding our power,
To make others cower,
We could all go back to our roots.

Instead of resistance,
We could render assistance,
It's an issue which gets our souls fired,
We all have the skill,
We just need the will,
Our belief is all that's required.

To dispense with affray,
Let's do it today,
Rid ourselves of this human trait,
When this evil has gone,
We'll see our new dawn
Together we can banish all hate.

Treating you as you,
Not what you do,
No such thing as colour or creed,
With equality for all,
We'd stand ten feet tall,
Only we can plant,

‘' That First Seed ‘'

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