That Freedom We Both Seek Poem by JDC LeDrew

That Freedom We Both Seek

I stand alone in the wind,
But not so alone.
A snowbird's call can be heard.
He greets the day, as do I.

On this snowy morning
There is found a certain stillness.
Looking down upon the timberline, a vision,
And in this place I stand moved.

White blanket cover me,
No time marks the light.
But by sheer strength far sun will burn
A late dawn to these mountain heights.

Here I, with hands too numb to feel
And feet like clubs,
Must defer to the season
And join those beasts below.

There I will seek the harbor of the trees
Whose great arms shelter from the bitter cold,
The free and the fools
Who chance upon their feet.

And in this parish I shall move so much like a shadow,
That squirrels will lift the cones near my path.
No voice shall cry my passage,
Nor my presence note.

And upon the day bed should I come
Of he that I seek,
It will be he that shakes the woods with thunder,
Great horns clear the hooded boughs of snow!

And in his flight, he may well achieve
That freedom,
That we both seek in this place.

JDC LeDrew

JDC LeDrew

Portlando, Oreegun
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