The Art Of Friendship Poem by Ogolla Enock

The Art Of Friendship

Precious but rare is a good companion
in an evil and competitive world.
Many are befriended whose interest
isn't to build, but to outdo each other.
Such false friendships, like cheap stones,
lie everywhere and anywhere.

Loyalty and the desire for another's best
is the badge of real friendship. He who betrays
a friend is unworthy of any man's trust.
True friendship isn't about acting friendly
but being and remaining a true friend
even behind a person a back.

The nature of all friendships
depends on how they materialize.
What can be bought, will be bought,
such friendships are unworthy of any price.
But whosoever befriends a Jonathan
gains a treasure beyond all price.

Many fellows are like flies, only attracted to merry
But true friendships are built on integrity,
Inspires growth and withstands tragedy.
A wise man builds with consideration and makes
friends for time and eternity but an average
man builds just for the sake of building.

A person's virtue resembles that of his close companion
Therefore, a companion that thinks right,
speaks right and acts right is priceless and beyond
all comparison. That is the art of friendship

Ogolla Enock - 8th April,2022.

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